Sharing a teaching tip

How do you get your students to LIKE to read? This question has been posed to me many times throughout the years. I have not experienced problems with students wanting to read. But, my colleagues express to me that the moment they even suggest reading anything, they "lose" their students.

Well, I started observing myself and how what I do to help alleviate the fear of reading. I utilize the "facilitator method" in my classroom. I am not afraid to allow the students to be in charge of what they learned.

Patience is key to strategic instruction.

My latest tool is entitled "Letter of the day."

I search for authentic letters online. Students willingly volunteer to read the letters from the screen. Here's the catch - the letters are hilarious. The students literally can't wait to read.

Most of the students were reluctant at first. This was new to them and they're uaually totally against getting up in front of the class.

Try it.

Let me know how it works for you.

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